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Heidi Montags Boob Job
Heidi Montags Boob Job

الجمعة، 10 يوليو 2009

Major Lazer is Working With Christina for her upcoming album


According to the press release, Major Lazer is a zombie-killing commando from Jamaica with a laser for a hand and rocket-powered skateboard. According to reality, he’s not one man but two – namely, premier producers Dave ‘Switch’ Taylor and Wes ‘Diplo’ Pentz. The Vine recently spoke to the former about their new album Guns Don’t Kill People… Lazers Do, broken penises, M.I.A., Christina Aguilera and their forthcoming visit come New Year’s Eve (scoop!)

Your profile as a producer has exploded since you worked on M.I.A’s second album Kala – has it been non-stop since?

Yeah, totally. There’s some real exciting projects on at the moment and it’s great that people’s tastes are changing and that mainstream artists are looking at doing something more creative or edgy that really ties in to what people like Wes and myself and [Santigold’s co-writer] John Hill are doing. It’s cool to be asked to spend a week with artists like Christina Aguilera and for them to be really open and trust us.

So you’ve been collaborating with Christina?
Yeah her and a few other people too, but I won’t say who just in case it’s not happening.

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